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Email Contents

In this page you can update the contents that are being used for transactional email communications.

Admin > Email Contents Page

There are variables that you can use in order to define dynamic values on your template.

Here is the list of the available variables you can use:

$[]The unique identifier for the user.
$[]The email address of the user.
$[user.firstname]The first name of the user.
$[user.lastname]The last name of the user.
$[user.verificationPinCode]The Verification Pincode at the moment of registration.
$[user.forgotPasswordToken]The token for forgot password process.
$[user.createdAt]The date and time when the user account was created.
$[]The name of the product sold.
$[]The unique identifier for the sale.
$[sale.quantity]The quantity of the product sold.
$[sale.currency]The currency used for the sale.
$[sale.price]The price of the product sold.
$[sale.createdAt]The date and time when the sale was created.
$[]The name of the product.
$[release.version]The version number of the product release.
$[release.notes]The release notes for the new version.
$[]The date and time when the release was published.

Important: Please note that availability of these variables depends on the events that triggers them.